Student Portal & Gamification

Products Used
Sales Cloud
MCAE (Pardot)
Form Assembly
Experience Cloud
Nonprofit Cloud
Students For Liberty
Arlington, VA
I highly recommend Maintask. They are skilled professionals who know a ton about Salesforce, fundraising, websites, and how to make it all work together.
Dr. Wolf von Laer
Chief Executive Officer
Client Profile
Students For Liberty (SFL) is a global network supporting student volunteers to become future leaders for liberty. With a mission to educate, develop, and empower students, SFL needed a robust system to collect and manage data from thousands of student volunteers across the world.

SFL faced significant challenges in collecting and managing hundreds of thousands of student data points, as well as monitoring their extensive array of local events and activities. These hurdles limited its ability to effectively track progress, evaluate program impact, and engage students in the process.


Maintask implemented a customized Salesforce instance running NPSP, providing SFL with a holistic solution that integrated fundraising and program management. Leveraging Experience Cloud, Maintask extended SFL’s core Salesforce org to empower students through an engaging gamification system. This innovative approach allowed students to log in, submit data, view real-time progress, and engage with their peers through leaderboards.


SFL witnessed a significant improvement in data collection efficiency and accuracy. With Experience Cloud, students were now actively engaged, providing valuable insights into their local events and activities. The gamification system fostered friendly competition, motivating students to participate and contribute more. Through these enhancements, SFL experienced enhanced program management, increased student engagement, and improved reporting capabilities. The new system allowed SFL to grow from:

  • 750 volunteers to close to 4000 volunteers a year
  • 11,000 attendees to more than 600,000 offline and online participants a year
  • A yearly budget of $3,000,000 to $7,000,000

More Case Studies.

Greenfield Salesforce Implementation

The Woman's Club of Minneapolis, founded in 1907, is dedicated to fostering local community and building relationships through social, cultural, and educational activities. The organization aims to empower women, support philanthropic initiatives, and create enriching experiences that contribute positively to its members and the broader community.

Internal Administrator Services

Be Equitable, seeking specialized Salesforce administration, utilized Maintask's Support+ package. This service offered dynamic support, resolving staff turnover issues and boosting Salesforce efficiency. It supplanted the need for an internal administrator, cutting costs by 40%, and provided all-encompassing support for Salesforce and websites. This strategic shift allowed Be Equitable to concentrate on core tasks, markedly enhancing efficiency.

Student Portal & Gamification

Students For Liberty faced challenges in managing extensive student data and events. A customized Salesforce solution, including NPSP and Experience Cloud, was implemented to revolutionize data management and student engagement. It introduced a gamification system for active student participation, boosting volunteer numbers from 750 to 4000 annually, resulting in significant growth in program, engagement, and budget.

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